

每年的11月8日, 我们庆祝第一代大学庆祝日, 表彰第一代学生和毕业生的成就和事业.


罗德尼·威尔逊, 密苏里州的一名高中教师, 在1994年组织了第一个正式的LGBTQ+历史月, 以及其他教育工作者、社区领袖和全国性LGBTQ+倡导组织. In 2006, Equality Forum began facilitating LGBTQ+历史月 和y continue to celebrate the achievements of the LGBTQ+ 社区 by highlighting an exemplary individual each day during the month of October.


这个月, the Center for Women’s Studies 和 Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion want to highlight some of the women throughout history that have paved the way for workplace safety, 平等, 通过他们的工作和打破界限的坚持来实现公平.


我们知道,大学毕业后的生活可能是可怕的,令人兴奋的,和困难. 我们会帮你的! 当你读这篇博客的时候, 到时候你会发现一些职场技巧. 我们希望这些建议能帮助你在进入“现实世界”时更加自信。.


四月是性侵犯意识月. 今年的主题是“建立联系:预防需要公平”.“这个月的使命是提高人们对世界各地发生的性暴力的认识, 帮助教育人们预防艾滋病的方法, 在我们回应和支持幸存者的方式中解决种族平等问题.


妇女历史月 is dedicated to celebrating all the women who have done significant work which usually piles up into the stack of overlooked contributions. 这个月我们有机会讨论, 荣誉, 反思女性在塑造当今世界的过程中所扮演的角色. 2023年全国妇女历史月的主题是“颂扬讲述我们故事的女性”.”


在美国,近4600万人认为自己是黑人或非裔美国人.S. From trailblazers like George Washington Carver and Dorothy Height to present day role models Anita Hill and Neil deGrasse Tyson, 黑人社区为争取社会权利的斗争付出了巨大的努力, 种族, 经济公正.


我们承认印第安人是原始居民, 探险家, 以及美国的移民. 我们尊敬富有的祖先, 传统, 以及美洲原住民的文化, and acknowledge the work that needs to be done to ensure the rights and recognition of Indigenous Peoples across America.


The Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion and Center for Women’s Studies will be observing including LGBTQ+历史月, 乳腺癌宣传月, 以及整个十月的家庭暴力宣传月. 将有各种各样的活动、研讨会和展览来帮助教育我们的校园社区.


自2019年8月开学以来,我们非常兴奋地开始了我们的第四个秋季学期. 如果你错过了,米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心已经发展壮大! 妇女研究中心现在与我们同处一层的赖斯大厅.


萨根是佛罗伦萨当地的一名青少年. She reached out to volunteer with the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion this summer and wanted to write a 博客 about the importance of social engagement, 但是从不同的角度来看. 欣赏这个特别版,由萨根·哈特撰写.


暑假马上就要到了! 即使你不会感到熬夜或完成任务的压力, 你还有“工作”要做. The summer offers you a gr吃 opportunity to do all the fun and relaxing things you’ve been putting off for the past months, 尽管如此, 这也是你检查自己情绪和心理健康的最佳时机.


Diversity 教育 Week (DEW) is celebrated as a part of upholding our commitment to cr吃ing a welcoming and inclusive campus. We use this week to promote awareness and 理解 of diverse cultures and intersectional identities by building opportunities for connection, 社区, 和参与. DEW是由多元化,公平和包容部门提出的签名周. 


全国妇女历史联盟每年为妇女历史月指定一个主题. 2022年的主题是“女性提供治疗,促进希望”." This is “both a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during this ongoing pandemic and also a recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history."


在美国,黑人历史月是在二月. 这个月通常是一个教育、反思、回忆和行动的时间. 在我们纪念这个为期一个月的活动时, we can recognize the importance of acknowledging and 荣誉ing intersectional identities within Black communities.


自2019年以来,我们的工作理念一直以合作为中心. 作为校园里的新中心, 我们的任务是支持教育, 研究, 社区, 通过与校园内不同的利益相关者合作进行宣传, 浅滩, 横跨整个州和地区. Our goal has been to provide an accessible and inclusive space for students and faculty to share knowledge, 在跨学科项目上合作, and build sustainable partnerships with organizations that are committed to addressing some of the most pressing social problems that we face today.


2020年11月 博客 描述积极公民连续体模型, 这表明一个以提问为重点的体验式学习过程, 理解, 采取行动解决社会问题. UServe is based on this model and is an interactive civic engagement program at UNA that was developed in 2019 as the brainchild of 社区服务及外展米切尔-韦斯特社会包容中心. 自成立以来, 住房和居住生活 在我们的服务活动之前,曾是每月教育部分的重要共同赞助者吗.


Did you know that UNA is the first state-supported co-educational institution south of the Ohio River 和 oldest co-educational teacher’s college in the U.S.? We will have several events throughout the year to 荣誉 women and you can keep up with these on our webpage. 我们将以女性行动系列开始这个学期.


自1949年以来,美国一直认可心理健康宣传月. “意识月”以一周的时间开始,由创始人克利福德. 美国心理健康协会的比尔斯说. The organization and awareness month aim to destigmatize mental illnesses and raise awareness on suicide, 同时引起人们对心理障碍及其影响的全国社区的关注.


Because if we aim to include “everyone” we’re overlooking the very lives and dynamics that make inclusive pedagogies not just necessary but meaningful and rewarding. Aiming to include “everyone” is an equivalent of the ever-popular “I-don’t-see-color” when talking about race.


三月到了,这意味着是妇女历史月. 而女性的成就每天都很重要, 这个月致力于纪念妇女在美国历史上的重要作用. 1982年,美国国会通过了《首页》,此后妇女历史月作为妇女历史周开始. L. 97-28. 在最初的纪念活动之后的五年里, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions that designated a week in March as Women’s History Week.


Dr. Wendell Gunn is important to the history of UNA as he was the first Black student to integrate the University in 1963 (at that time we were known as Florence State College). 而冈恩的遗产是重要的, 关于大学黑人教师融合的历史,我们还有很多要学的. 这与今天相差不远,教师多样性仍然处于多样性的前沿, 股本, 以及全国高等教育的包容性努力.


Inclusive teaching refers to “pedagogy that strives to serve the needs of all students regardless of background or identity, 并支持他们对主题材料的参与”(耶鲁大学普尔夫教学中心, 2020). This involves intentionality and a focus on cr吃ing a learning environment where all students are tr吃ed equitably by having access to course materials and opportunities to succeed.


公民参与或公民参与对民主的生存和发展至关重要. 公民参与包括采取集体行动来解决公众关注的问题, 努力在社区的公民生活中发挥作用, 并发展知识和技能,使之有所作为.


LGBTQ+历史月 was cr吃ed in 1994 by a high school history teacher in Missouri named 罗德尼·威尔逊 (GLAAD.org). 根据美国国会图书馆的资料, a resolution was passed in 1995 by the General Assembly of the National 教育 Association to include LGBT History Month within a list of commemorative months.


We are heading into our second year as a center on campus and thought that our first 博客 of the semester should introduce or reintroduce you all to the Mitchell-West Center for Social Inclusion, 位于赖斯大厅的一楼.


詹姆斯·鲍德温曾经说过, “历史, 几乎没有人知道这一点, 难道不只是值得一读吗. 它不仅仅是指过去,甚至主要也不是指过去. 正相反,他接着说, “历史的伟大力量来自于我们把它牢记在心。, 在很多方面都无意识地受到它的控制, 历史确实存在于我们所做的一切中.


在我们的民主社会中,对这些公民价值观的需求日益增长, 特别是在一个有着许多不同社会的国家, 文化, 经济, 政治背景, 在历史上,一些公民以牺牲其他人的利益为代价获得特权. We approach our teaching through this lens and believe that teachers have a profound responsibility in preparing children to be socially-just individuals.


The Collaborative Special 教育 program prepares undergraduate and graduate students to work in general and special education settings with children and young adults who have varying ranges of exceptionalities.


当你把社会正义混合在一起时,你就会得到另一种休息, 有意义的行动, 和一群大学生在一起.


In 2016, 我们来到了石灰石监狱, 一个大型的最高安全级别的监狱,关押着大约2200人, to see whether UNA could help to meet the facility’s educational needs as outlined in a local news article.

UNA students participating in the 残疾支援服务 Panel Discussion last year alongside Dr. 格雷厄姆·西森,杰里米·马丁,还有基茨总统.

越来越多的残疾学生进入高等教育机构学习. 国家教育统计中心报告称,在2015-2016学年, 19%的大学本科生和11.9%的学士学位后学生报告有残疾.